Monday, April 8, 2013



We all have dreams of an ideal community, where there is participation from all levels, where the big and the old, thin and tall, all working shoulder to shoulder to build up Gods kingdom. And we ask, “is such a community possible?” The answer is YES. The answer to such a dream was given more than two thousand year ago and it’s found even today in the gospel of Mathew.

Whoever has will be given more, and he will have an abundance. Whoever does not have, even what he has will be taken away from him.”   

I am sure when we read this passage it appears unjust, but in order to understand its true meaning, one needs to solve the riddle, to uncover the mystery, that’s hidden in it.  The answer is to this mystery is Attitude and Gratitude. Attitude of the Animators and the Gratitude towards the people of their community

I see a positive Attitude of the Animators towards the goal that is placed on their shoulders of getting the participation of their members of their community and Gratitude towards their members who take up the challenge that’s place on them. God had blessed them abundantly.

The saying fits well here, “Whatever goes round comes around,” or “You reap what you sow.” The Morning Start community has set an example for each one of us to emulate. They have reaped the abundance and will continue to reap in the future. I wish them all the best in the coming years. 


Words words words...... Words are an important part of our life. Weather spoken or written, they throw light on our own imagination. People in the past have used images to communicate, but after that it has been the word world. 

It’s so surprising to see how words have evolved over the years, and how our so called modern generation, has been using words as if to say it’s taken for granted. What do I mean with that. In the past when we said “I love you” it meant that a person really is emotional, physically in love with a person. Even though it still mean the same today, for many it means just a passing phrase. 

I was sitting in a hotel with a friend and in the side table was a young couple. The guy was proposing to the girl and he had written a nice love letter accompanied with a flower and a chocolate. The girl was stunned. She turns around and asked him if this some kind of a Joke. The guy as taken a back, and he asked her “don’t u love me.” The girl said, yes I love you, but that does not me I and emotionally attached to you or I am going to get married to you.” Then she said something that shocked me, she said, “I love my dog too, does that mean I am going to marry my dog.” 

Words Words words....... they can make or they can break... there were a time when we used certain words to mean a certain action, for example when we said I love u it mean that u love that person. Today the word love is used so common that I feel its lost its really meaning. Its not just about words like love only. But take for example words like I’ll Kill U, Screw U, Fuck U, M*** F***, kick me for these words, not that I did not use these words in my life. But these words are so commonly used today that they have lost their original meaning. 

I was travelling by train in the late afternoon and it was full of college children. And I believe that’s the best place and time to learn new words, even if don’t plan to use them in ur life. And this group of boys and girls were fooling amongst themselves having a great time on their way back home. I was angry at first at the words, but then I began listening to them and they were using words like” I’ll kill u if u tell any one.” Of course she did not me that she will kill him. But in the past it was a very rarest word or sentence you would ever here, except in fights. But today it so commonly used. 

Words...words...words how we used them in the past and how they are used today... Look in the eyes of the person to really understand the meaning....